What MIDI cables work with Ribbons or Sparks?

Cable solutions that have been verified:

  • This cable + a 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch adapter + a standard MIDI cable will work with Ribbons if the MIDI jumper inside is in the “A” position. No external MIDI box required.
    • Estimated cost: $25.00
  • A Chase Bliss midibox + a TRS cable (2ft or less) + a standard MIDI cable will work with Ribbons if the MIDI jumper inside is in the “CBA” position. Please note that if you go this route, the TRS cable used must be 2 feet or less in length to guarantee reliable transmission / reception.
    • Estimated cost: $93.00

Cable solutions that should work but have not been confirmed:

  • This cable + a 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch adapter + a standard MIDI cable should work with Ribbons if the MIDI jumper inside is in the “B” position. No external MIDI box required.
    • Estimated cost: $25.00
  • This cable from Disaster Area should work with Ribbons if the MIDI jumper inside is in the “A” position. No external MIDI box required.
    • Estimated cost: $25.00

Cables that do not work with Ribbons:


A post was split to a new topic: Can CV/EXP or MIDI inputs be used for external tap tempo?

3 posts were split to a new topic: Connecting Ribbons to FaderFox UC4