Curious if more will be released

Same here ! Really excited to see the new product and also can’t wait to get a ribbons !

Same, holding out on Generation Loss in hope for a RIbbons.

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fingers crossed more will be available soon!

I advice against the GL, it has a major phasing issue even on fully wet signal that I think renders it useless in a mix. Sometimes it sounds as if the signal is out of phase for up to 10+ seconds before it kicks in again, which means a huge volume discrepancy in the middle of a song, which can’t be controlled. Even at subtle settings of wow, flutter and/or failure the issue is overwhelming. Talked to Chase Bliss about it and they just say that’s how the pedal was designed, there is no fix for it.

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Thanks for the info. Not sure if it is the same issue on the GL, but one redditor mentions a doubling effect, I have heard at least one other youtuber mention as well.

I’d like to buy one if more will become available.

Do I have to keep checking here or is there an email list? I’d definitely get one when the next preorder is available.

Checking here is the best bet from what I understand.

Hey all. I’d love to be informed about product availability as well. Thanks very much. :musical_note:

When we open orders for more Ribbons we’ll post in the “announcements” category. This will trigger an email to all forum users so it basically works like a mailing list.


Hey guys one just popped up on Reverb! At a decent price.

I’m watching like a hawk for that ribbons pedal re stock sign, email, notification. Afraid I’ll lose focus and miss out. Ravenous fans here at kinotone.

Spark sounds really cool, innovative and useful, but ribbons is my priority. I feel like a dirty yet committed groupie.

Is this what it was like when the Beatles or someone dropped an album at your local record store?

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I’m watching like a hawk as well and have been for some time but now that I am figuring out that I don’t want to deal w reverb and I am going to hopefully have a chance here in the future is all that makes me happy! I just want the chance it doesn’t have to be now! For me at least! I just wld be happy knowing that it is a definite thing that I will be able to hold and cherish forever like later this year hopefully?

We might be insane my friend. But yes, hoping the same thing.

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same here, we want Ribbons!!! :raised_hands:t2:

Another vote for the Ribbons! Hopefully, I’ll receive an e-mail when it’s available. I didn’t receive one for the Sparks.


I too desire pink ribbons!!!

Would love to buy myself a ribbons for my birthday this year.

pink ribbons!!! I wants not wants to pay $600 on reverb

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+1 for Ribbons. Just wanted to throw my support in. It’s so much more of what I actually want than all the other Lofi/tape pedals I’ve ever had/tried.