Curious if more will be released

hi, also interested in ribbons, thank you

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+1 more dreaming of ribbons falling from the sky

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I’d love to get into Eurorack eventually. When I first started Kinotone I didn’t think I had any fresh ideas to contribute to the modular space, which is why I ended up making a pedal.

Now that I’ve been doing this for awhile though, I have so many ideas! I have a couple sketches and prototypes that I’d like to put more time into this year. We probably won’t ever make a modular form of Ribbons but some of its code will end up in a module (or modules) at some point.


Another +1 for Ribbons. Would love to pre-order or get on a waitlist so as to not miss it.


Interested in the Ribbons pedal. Hopefully there will be a new batch.


joining the pile on in case it is helpful for you to gauge interest – please, take my money, we need more ribbons!! <3


Hey all, a Ribbons just popped up on Reverb at a normal price. Grab it before it goes.

Hi guys :wave:t3: signed up just to say i need a Ribbon! Can’t wait till yall make some more. Count me in!!!


Also just signed up to keep track for the next batch of Ribbons. Have been holding off purchasing new pedals to ensure I can scoop up a Ribbon!


I have money set aside for Ribbons, should it come to pass in the next couple months! Really hoping it does. There are a few really compelling pedals I’m agonizing over, but I’d kiss them all goodbye if this happens anytime soon!


Oh yeah I’d like to grab one too !!
Hope some will get released this spring…


There is a small number of B-stock units in our webstore right now. More info here.


Dang! Missed it :sleepy:. Oh well

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Dammit. this is what I get for working today. Sigh.

Well, congrats to everyone who snagged one! Eagerly awaiting the next batch, with a fistful of cash reserved for it. Please take my money! There are a lot of awesome pedals out there, but this is the one if I can just keep my eyes off the others… trying to stay strong…

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The classic paradox of having to work to afford a rare pedal, but always missing out on drops because you’re working. :sob:

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Eagerly waiting as well! Haven’t wanted a pedal this much in so long. I can’t believe months ago i saw it used at guitar center but didn’t know about it yet….:man_facepalming: didn’t have to try it so i left wooow

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i would like to have one also!:smirk:

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+1 for more Ribbons!

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Please need this in my life.

Hello, just signed up to be informed when a new batch of ribbons will be released ! And very curious about kinotone’s forthcoming new product as well !

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