Curious if more will be released

I’m new around here, so forgive me if this is forbidden to ask about, but I am curious if there is any word on if or when to expect any more Ribbons? Seems like an awesome pedal, got a fist full of cash I have been saving all year for Black Friday sales, but wanted to check before all the good deals happen whether I am a fool for holding out any hope that these might happen again this year? Anyone know anything?


Hello @mkonomos - welcome to the forum!

It seems like people still want Ribbons which is very encouraging. We’ve been discussing another production run but I don’t think it will happen before the end of the year. At the moment we’re focusing pretty much exclusively on getting our next pedal across the finish line, which we’d like to release in the coming months. It’s just me and my partner Hannah so we’re not really able to manufacture more Ribbons and work on the new thing at the same time, but we hope to scale up eventually.

My best guess for more Ribbons would be sometime in the spring. Its possible we might build up a small amount of reserve stock between now and then in which case we’d post about it on the forum.

Keep in touch :slightly_smiling_face:


Very kind of you to respond! Thank you!

The timing on on that sounds great, as it gives me time to save up some more. Also very much looking forward to hearing what new project is on the way. Must be really great.

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We do indeed. I would very much like one, it sounds exactly like my taste and would fit right into this tapey gig I’m preping, but even if I’d lucky to nab one it’d cost me ~$554 with vat, shipping and duty to the EU so it forces me to consider alts. Hoping to see you expand to take over the world promptly!


Good to hear, very keen to purchase Ribbons and also see what the new pedal does. Thanks for the updates :wink:


I am so glad you guys have a new gig coming up. Love my ribbons wouldn’t sell it for anything. Im glad i saw this today as i was considering holograms new chroma but not really appealed by it so i will wait until your next project is released to buy. Hopefully i am in time for first production run. Last 2 items i tried to buy sold out in less than a minute of being opened up.


hey jaak any idea how far out you guys might be for that next flavor to come out?

Just putting my hand up as another non-US very likely customer for any future run!

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I would also like to buy one asap. let us know thanks!

My goodness! Looks like I have to re-prioritize making more Ribbons!

We’ll start working on it real soon ya’ll. Thanks so much for the love and interest - it means a lot! :white_heart:


Another vote for Ribbons here! (I emailed you a few weeks ago about this). Can we sign up for one? Down payment? The minute these go on sale the “scalpers” will snap them up and put them up for sale on Reverb. Or maybe not …

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there is one on reverb right now for like a £200 markup :stuck_out_tongue:

Cringe… I hate that people are marking them up and declaring them “ultra rare”.

Just had to take a break to finish our next device but we’ll do our best to keep making more so hopefully as they become more widely available nobody will have to pay a premium.

We aren’t quite ready to open another pre-order for Ribbons but we’ll keep everyone updated!


name and shame lol

Any hints as to when what you’re working on will be available? Can we sign up to test the device?

Can’t say when yet. But I’ve been working on this for over a year now and it’s very far along. :slightly_smiling_face: Just wrapping up the firmware and getting units ready for beta testing.

I’ve got a group of beta testers from when Ribbons was being developed but I will reach out if we need more! Thank you for the offer!


I’d love a new Ribbons pedal when available and am really curious about what new stuff you have going :heart_hands:

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PRICE DROP FOR QUICK SALE! What an asshole. Is there any protocol for messing with scalpers on Reverb?

Count this as my preorder lol


Hey I just signed up - I definitely want in on some Ribbons goodness as well.

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