When we will get any info about another batch of Ribbons?

I’m based in EU and totally missed last batch. I’m total fan from now on, just tell me where to put my money :moneybag: but seriously would be nice to know the rough time to know when I need to save some money to be able to jump in. Thanks

We teased a new batch yesterday.


Can’t say an exact date yet but it’s looking like early March.

Electronics are currently being assembled and enclosures drilled, painted, and printed. As soon as we have an exact delivery date for both we’ll announce the sale date here.

If you have a forum account you should get an email about it.


Ahh I’ve missed the announcement as I don’t have Instagram. I’m very excited for march then, thank you for info.

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Im excited about this I have one of the first pink ones and want to pick up one with the newer board in it

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