Using Ribbons with MIDI Clock

Hi so I’ve been using ribbons with an external clock with success. But when i want to sync to an external clock with a keyboard the synth part of ribbons takes over. So my question is can i just sync to a midi clock a keyboard is sending and not have to use the ribbons synth? Have ribbons synced with midi clock and still use the original keyboard patches. Does this mean the keyboard is sending out CC messages ? Not sure if any of this makes sense. Thx


MIDI clock is global and broadcast across all MIDI channels.

MIDI note data (the thing that triggers the internal synth) is broadcast on a single MIDI channel.

So if you want Ribbons to listen to MIDI clock but not MIDI note data, just change the MIDI channel on Ribbons to any other channel than the one your MIDI controller is sending.

To change the MIDI channel, make sure nothing is plugged into the CV/exp jack and then hold down both foot switches while applying power. You can then toggle between the 16 possible MIDI channels.

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