Sparks Shipping Update! And Synth Video Coming Soon

Hi all - just wanted to share a quick update for those of you who pre-ordered Sparks.

Shipping Update

We had a slow start to our shipping schedule - 2/3 of our team unfortunately got COVID at a local event right after we announced the start of Sparks shipping and it pretty much ground things to a halt. Some of you probably noticed tracking labels generated but they didn’t move for awhile. I’m sorry about that - they are now in USPS/DHL’s hands and you should have estimated delivery dates. Thank you for your patience.

We are back at it now and have caught a good stride. It looks like we’re managing final QA + shipping for about 40 units per day. If we continue at that pace we should finish shipping all the pre-order units by next Friday August 9th. Realistically it may spill into the following week though. We’ll continue to post about what orders are going out on this thread. And we’ll try not to leave anyone in a pre-shipment status for more than a day or two - we like to have a decent batch boxed up before handing off to USPS, and international orders sometimes lag a bit because we drive them directly to the airport which is a ways from our house.

Synth Tutorial Video

Our printed manual references a YouTube tutorial about the SID Chip synth. Since I was out sick I wasn’t able to finish editing this and it won’t be up online until after the first couple batches arrive. We’ll try to carve out some time for that ASAP so you can have a hands on guide to help you get started with that part of the device. In the meantime it’s documented in our online manual along with other MIDI topics.



Hope you guys at kinotone will recover fast from covid, and thank you for very effective service, you responded fast on my mail and very shortly after it, i got a shipping mail and as we speak Its been delivered from USA to Europe in only a couple of days, i cant wait to spend time with this and experiment with the pedal and stack it with my other pedals, thanks again kinotone.


Get well soon & stay healthy!


Just got my notification for shipping! Super pumped


Just an FYI: All remaining Sparks orders have been packed up and prepped for shipment. If you ordered you should have a tracking number in your email inbox. Everything left will go out between now and Monday.

Big thanks to everyone for being patient and kind while we worked to get them out the door. Ya’ll are the best. :white_heart: