Sparks preset writing to a different slot

Hello, loving Sparks so far! I have one question, how can I select a different preset slot to write to without losing changes I’ve made E.g. I’ve edited live settings, saved to the blue preset, but have been tweaking my blue preset and come up with a good variation I want to save to the pink preset, is there a way to do this? The instructions in the manual only cover saving changes to an existing preset to the same preset, or editing the live settings.

Hey @Johnw ! Welcome to the Kinotone forum and thanks for posting.

This can be achieved using MIDI program change messages but it isn’t possible on the pedal itself in the current firmware.

The best way to achieve this right now would be to use your eye (look at the LED settings for layer 1, 2, lfo map, and env map) and ear to figure out how the settings are set in the blue preset and try to match them using the live settings and then save your live settings into the pink slot.

I will add this to our feature request list for Sparks and we can look into it for the next firmware update.

If you’re familiar with MIDI, here is a step by step guide to perform preset copy + paste using Program Change messages:

  1. Load blue preset
  2. Dial in the modifications
  3. Hold Bypass for a few seconds until it starts glowing blue
  4. Send Program Change 3 to save your settings into the Pink slot

This will save your modified blue preset into the pink slot.


Hi Jaak, many thanks for the quick reply. The prog change sounds like a good workaround and will give that a try (ive got a midi controller unit on the way just for Sparks actually) but it would be great to be able to do this on the pedal itself, fingers crossed it makes it into the next update !