Hi! I’m really glad to have been able to preorder a Ribbons, i have been waiting for that since some times. So thanks for this new batch!
I was looking today at guitar synth pedals and i realised I didn’t like anything i could hear from the existing pedals out there. So i was wondering if a future touch mode on the Ribbons could make the onboard sine synth tracks the guitar signal?
I don’t know if it’s even technically possible, but it could make a nice way to use the existing synth!
I don’t know a whole lot about the hardware in Ribbons specifically (or synths in general), but I don’t think Ribbons has the hardware to make that happen. You could get a pedal like the Ghost Writer by Recovery Effects that converts your signal to midi and then plug that midi end with an adapter into the Ribbons.
Hi, thanks for the suggestion. Actually i knew about this pedal and even a cheaper alternative (the Sonuus G2M that can be found sometimes used). But i was more curious about the possiblity to have that feature on the Ribbons without the need of another device. Anyway I’ll be happy with the Ribbons without it.
Hey @Yan - thanks so much for picking up a Ribbons!
The design intention behind the synth is really for use with external MIDI controllers (Keystep, Beatstep, Elektron boxes, etc). Adding a pitch tracking feature is just not something that aligns with our vision and the development time required would be very high (probably ~100 or more hours).
Thanks for the reply @jaakjensen. I totally understand, and i didn’t realise it would take so much time to implement. As I said, i will be totally happy with the Ribbons as it is. Can’t wait to get it!
IMHO your best bet is to invest in the Empress ZOIA. Besides being a multi-fx, sound design, machine, it also features multiple utilities - LFOs, env. followers, pitch-to-midi (!), sequencers - which can be used to make all sort of noisy mayhem with other pedals
(caveat: I’m in no way affiliated with Empress, I’m just a fanboi…! )