Ribbons, 4 track looper and MC8 / MIDI

MIDI nerdy question here.
I am programming the Morningstar MC8 controller offline (i.e. out of my studio to avoid instrument-in-hand distractions) and I’m at the point where I’m programming how I want to use the 4 track looper.

If I want to engage and record a track on the fly must I always prepend CC31
SwitchToLoop command before SelectTrack + PressTouchFootswitchToRecord?
i.e. CC31=66 + CC32=1 + CC81=66
Ditto to stop recording?

For the Morningstar literati: Ideally I’d love to press once to begin recording and press the same stompswitch to stop recording, I was thinking of using OnEngage (begin recording) and Press (stop recording). Do you see a better alternative?

Thank you all!

Sorry for the delayed response on this. I think you’re on the right path. That’s how I would do it.

You have to switch to looper mode (CC 31), select your track (CC32), and then record (CC81).

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