Hi I bought a pedal over a year ago. whenever I use it there is a high pitched whine noise and I cant get it out of my guitar tone no matter how hard I try. I initially thought it was my amplifier but I bought a new one and am still having the problem. It also happens when I attempt to record DI. I love the pedal but this issue has essentially made it unusable.
My ribbons pedal has a constant whine noise whenever I use it. It has been that way since I got it around a year ago and It is making the pedal basically unusable for both performing and recording. Can anyone please help?
Hi @l_pat ! Sorry to hear you’re having trouble. I’m happy to help you get this sorted.
It looks like you made two similar posts so I’ve merged them into one.
Two questions for you:
- What power supply are you using? A photo of the label on the PSU or a web link would be helpful.
- Are you “daisy chaining” Ribbons with other pedals? e.g. using something like a One Spot to power Ribbons along with other pedals?
We resolved this over email. From @l_pat:
“I tried using a different power source than the one I had been using and it fixed the problem”
Sharing this info here in-case anyone else runs into the same issue.