Question about Ribbons makeup gain for compressor

Hi! I received my Ribbons a few days ago and it’s great.

I have only one feature request about the compressor : would it be possible to have a make up gain setting (automatic or adjustable) for it? It would allow to keep a consistant output volume when playing with maxed settings on the compressor or even with the filters.

An extra toy would be to abilitity to put the compressor after the reverb, because I always found to compress an 100% wet reverb signal. But maybe that’s only me :slight_smile:


Have you tried running the verb PRE fx?
Red led page, top left control turned counterclockwise.

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Oh you are right, i will try that! I forgot that it was possible while i was focusing on the compressor. So that makes my second wish a reality :slight_smile:

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I may misunderstand you, but if you are on the newest firmware 2.0, there is a make up gain option. It’s described in the web manual.

The compressor already has 0 - 20dB of makeup gain automatically added as the knob twisted.

Dialing in automatic makeup gain for a device is tricky - for example, on my personal guitar the compressor results in a slight volume boost, but on other guitars with a hot output, it might result in a slight volume reduction. I tried my best to dial in a thoughtful middle ground.

If this results in a volume reduction for your instrument, you can use the makeup gain option to add an additional 6dB of gain.

If this still isn’t enough, I would recommend using less compression or setting Ribbons to line level.

I had just read the printed manual. Having a look to the web manual, i only see that there is a midi CC mapped to a makup gain. Is there no other way to set it than through a midi controller?

Thanks Jaak, i saw this but i think what i mean by a autmatic make up gain is different than a global boost of the output. I’m sorry, english is not my language and i’m not good with technical talks.

When playing with compression set on max and loud noise setting, here is what happen : my guitar note or chord is compressed and low in volume, and so is the noise. But when the guitar note goes off, the noise come back and sounds louder that what I just played. If i apply a boost to that setting, i guess that it will make everything louder, but the noise coming back will still be louder than the guitar note, no?

I can’t test it right now, it’s the middle of the night in my country! But I will tomorrow.

The noise setting is mixed with the input audio before being sent into the compressor. Because of this, you might notice the noise ‘duck’ if you are using compression and playing your instrument. However, you won’t notice this if saturation is enabled.

This design decision was made because we assumed users would want to filter the noise. However, we also wanted to allow for the flexibility to filter your audio both before and after compression/saturation. So, we mix the noise with the incoming audio before it passes through the filtering and compression stages.

Here’s a simplified signal diagram to help clarify:

(noise) ---\
            + --- hpf --- comp / sat --- lpf --- > output
(input) ---/