Midi Value 127 & Loop Scale

Hello! I’m using a Morningstar MC6 Pro and setting up some patches to control looping. I noticed that when I set loop scale (CC 38, 42, 46, 50) to 127, it does not recognize that as “octaves.” (Seems to be continuous.) When I use 126, it correctly sets it to octaves.

The manual says it accepts values 0-127, so I just wasn’t sure if it was my error (likely) or something in the code or manual.


Slight goof on my end. I used a “<” operator and should have used “<=”. This makes it so it ignores 127 when sending MIDI data. 127 is divided by 127 to make a perfect 1.0 while the knob maxes out at 0.99999 - so it isn’t an issue when using the pedal without MIDI. I thought I caught all of these with the latest firmware release but it seems I missed this one.

I didn’t notice this because I was using a MIDI device with a knob that swept from 0-127, so it got set to Octaves by one of the other values in that range before hitting 127.

I’ll get it fixed. Thank you for reporting this! :slightly_smiling_face:

 else if(scale < 1.0f) {	//SCALE_OCTAVES
		  speedScale_[track] = SCALE_OCTAVES;
		  scaleOffset_[track] = 2;
		  scaleStride_[track] = 12;
		  scaleSteps_[track] = 2;
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Ah, that makes sense!

One more question about using MIDI to chance the touch footswitch state. The MIDI commands are working, but it seems like there is a disconnect between the MIDI and hardware states.

E.g., if Touch is off and I use MIDI to turn it on, when I press the Touch footswitch nothing happens – the hardware footswitch seems to think Touch is still off (i.e., did not change state after MIDI turned it on), so it engages rather than disengages Touch. (A second press of the Touch footswitch correctly disengages.)

Oh yeah I notice that too. I think I assumed if you were controlling the footswitches with MIDI, then you probably wouldn’t be interacting with the footswitches on the pedal itself.

I can adjust that as well. Thanks!


Yeah, I figured that was the reason for it. I did incorporate some MIDI control of footswitches, but for some situations found it easier to use the hardware footswitches in conjunction with MIDI doing other stuff :slight_smile: