How straightforward is looping on ribbons?

just curious about Ribbons functionality as a straightforward looper like a Ditto or something. is it pretty straightfoward to hit record, play 4 chords, then stop recording? or does it just capture the last X seconds of audio without a user definable start and end point? asking because i don’t have a straightforward looper for practicing and i do have a ribbons on preorder haha

edit: just looked through the manual and it does seem to be pretty straightforward


Yeah it is straightforward: you can either hold down the left footswitch as long as you’d like and then release at the end to set the start/end points or hit it once to set the start and again to set the end. Note that as of right now the default is to playback upon hitting the end point, so it doesn’t go immediately in to overdub. If you don’t want it to cut the audio for a brief moment when the loop comes back around to the start you may want to play the phrase a little before hitting start so it has some trails captured.

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It’s very straightforward and easy to use. The Touch footswitch sets your loop length up to 40 seconds. You get 4 tracks that each have controls for speed, direction, volume, and speed scale. You can overdub infinitely on any track.

As @TheTimberOwls mentioned the footswitch behavior is record > play > tap again to overdub. I think in general that is desirable (you might not want to start overdubbing immediately). A couple people have expressed that record > overdub is preferable for their setup though so we’re investigating implementing that as an option you can configure.

Here are a couple clips showing the looper in action:

Just Ribbons

Sparks through Ribbons looper


Just want to clarify that “cut” might not be the right way to describe it. When the recording stops there is a quick and smooth fade out (does not result in a click or a pop) and then the start of the loop fades in.


I’d like to have record > overdub > play as an option, if possible! But ultimately, I think I’ll be happy as is (especially with all of the other stuff you’re managing to cram in to the latest firmware).