Having with the four track recorder mode…

I’m having some trouble with the four track mode. It seemed to be working fine yesterday, but today I tried using it and couldn’t get any sound or the sound on playback was very quiet.

When I switched out of four track mode, it makes the sound comes back to regular volume and sounds like it might be the loops that I recorded, but very distorted.

Could be pilot error? Any advice?


Your description doesn’t sound like anything I’ve run into before. It’s bedtime over here at Kinotone HQ but I’ll follow up with you tomorrow with some additional thoughts and questions.

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Thanks for the quick response, any help is greatly appreciated!

So here’s what I would suggest to troubleshoot. In normal operation, load up the init preset (preset 1). This is a good way to quickly reset your tape effects to a transparent state so that you can hear your clean signal. Here is how you would do that:

  • Hold down the push button for 3 seconds to enter the presets menu. When a single LED lights up, you are in the menu and can toggle between 8 slots - 1 2 3 4 are red, 5 6 7 8 are blue.

  • Hover over slot 1 and press Touch. You should now be able hear your clean signal when you play. If not then you may have overwritten that preset, in which case you can restore the presets with a quick factory reset.

To enter / exit looper mode:

  • Hold down the push button and press Bypass. You’ll notice that in normal operation the Bypass LED is green and when in looper mode it’s light blue. Keep in mind that the looper gives you separate volume control for each of the four tracks (top right knob).

With limited info it’s hard for me to know what exactly occurred in this scenario. It’s possible that when you exited looper mode you may have messed with a setting like the saturation knob or the dry / wet mix, which could explain distortion or a change in volume. If loops are playing back and you are editing tape effects, the Mix knob serves as a global volume control for all four loops.

My best advice is to just load up init and explore the looper on its own. Then you can jump back and forth from looper mode to normal operation and slowly dial in effects to see how they affect things.

I hope this is helpful and feel free to circle back if you are still having trouble. :slightly_smiling_face: :white_heart:


I’ll give this a go tonight and let you know how I make out. Thanks for your help.

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Looks like I have figured it out. I ended up doing a factory reset and used the preset, like you suggested and I was able to use the four track without any problems.

The next thing I knew, almost three hours had passed! This is an incredibly deep machine and definitely takes time to understand and learn.

Thank you Jaak for your help.