Fees or taxes for France?

Bonjour !

I’m Romain from France !

I’m very very very interested for the ribbons !! can’t stop watching the youtube video ^^

Does anyone know if there are additional taxes to pay when ordering? If so, does anyone know how much?

(It’s so as not to have a big bad surprise when the postman rings at my door ^^ )

Congratulations for your pedal, I can’t wait to have it in my hands ^^



Salut Romain,

Tout d’abord je ne suis pas un salarié de Kinotone mais un français comme toi !

Compte environ 25 % de plus (entre 2,5 et 3,5 % de frais de douane plus la TVA à 20 %).
C’est à peu près ce que j’avais payé il y a quelques années pour deux pédales Chase Bliss (il n’avait pas de succursales en Europe à cette époque) qui représentait à ce moment-là environ 800 € et j’ai dû remettre environ 200 € en plus (j’étais très loin d’être ravi quand j’ai reçu la notification du livreur du genre “Frais de douane à régler”).

Pour étaler les frais, procède peut-être à un 4 x Paypal si ça peut alléger. En revanche les frais de douane sont à régler dès réception de la notification car tant que ce la ne sera pas fait, le transporteur ne livrera pas.

Voilà, j’espère avoir répondu à ta question et je prépare mon portefeuille (et mon compte en banque) à accuser le coup car moi aussi j’ai commandé une Ribbons ! :wink:



Hi Thomas,

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to @mrpelican. :slight_smile: :white_heart: In the future, please follow the Kinotone forum guideline of posting in English when responding to others on the forum.

I’ve gone ahead and Google translated your response for other users who may be interested in the valuable info you shared.

Thank you both for supporting Kinotone!

Hi Roman,

First of all, I am not a Kinotone employee but a Frenchman like you!

Counts about 25% more (between 2.5 and 3.5% customs fees plus 20% VAT).
That’s about what I paid a few years ago for two Chase Bliss pedals (it didn’t have branches in Europe at that time) which at that time was around €800 and I had to pay about 200 € more (I was very far from happy when I received the notification from the delivery man like “Customs fees to be paid”).

To spread the costs, perhaps proceed to a 4 x Paypal if it can alleviate. On the other hand, customs fees are to be paid upon receipt of the notification because until this is done, the carrier will not deliver.

Here, I hope I have answered your question and I am preparing my wallet (and my bank account) to blame the blow because I also ordered a Ribbons! :wink:



Hello Jaak,
Ok but I found a lot more convenient and logic to answer to a fellow frenchman… in french regarding questions on french custom fees!
I got it and I will only use english here.

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Hey @Thomas - No worries! I understand. I don’t mean to micro-manage, and when the forum is still a small community as it is now it’s no big deal. The intention is just that if Kinotone gets bigger and there are more people on the forum, it could be confusing if people post in different languages.

Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to answer that question. Your knowledge on the topic is certainly better than mine! :slight_smile:

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