This comment is not about functionality/features, but just the layout of the pages/knobs.
Each knob is labeled with the name of the corresponding feature of the first page, with dotted lines drawn to the different page icons. Are the 4 knobs on page 1 supposed to be a key to what the 4 pages do? What is the logic behind the organization of the knobs/pages? I feel like having connected settings spread across multiple pages could feel a little disjointed for some users. For example, if I’m trying to dial in the Wow & Flutter, I need to jump across 3 pages to modify these – likely multiple time as I might want to change the W&F mix/depth after changing the frequency parameters.
I am wondering if the following groupings would be easier for other users to navigate:
Page 1 - Mixer/Utility
LP Filter
Tape Effect Mix (needs to be on Page 1, right?)
Compression (swap with Crinkle or Noise?)
HP FilterPage 2 - W&F
Wow Frequency
W&F Mix
W&F Depth
Flutter FrequencyPage 3 - Degradation
Dropout Depth (swap with LP?)
Dropout Frequency (swap with HP?)
Tape NoisePage 4 - Reverb & Touch
Same as current
There are a bunch of ways to combine the different controls on 1&3 (and 4, I guess?), but I feel like W&F needs to be on a single page.