Got Any Cool Ideas for an Additional Looper Parameter?

One thing that I wish was possible, would be a way to “bounce” all of the tracks to one loop, and free up the other loops to go back and add more. They would all bounce in at their current playback volumes, speeds, directions.

Maybe I missed it, but I wish it was possible to “undo” a layer from a looper layer. Sometimes I have built a beautiful texture underneath and then hit one wrong note or time a note wrong. Having the ability to undo would prevent me from having to clear that track. I could also accomplish this with a workaround if you implement the bounce feature as described above.

Maybe this one is not possible but the unassigned knob - could this be turned into a DJ style hi/low pass filter? That way each loop could be individually tweaked. Exiting looper mode would allow you to do global effects.

Would be awesome if it was possible to add a fifth page that would be a DJ type page, putting low and high pass on the same page. Having them on two separate pages currently means I have to navigate if I want to tweak both of them. Maybe the other two knobs are Reverb Mix and Tape Mix?

  • @PeterBregman the redesign you mention I think already accomplishes this… If the goal was to not change the current implementation, a 5th through 8th page could be added as an alternate interaction method.

Clearing the loop isn’t super intuitive today. Maybe holding down both footswitches for 3 seconds could be a way to clear it? Otherwise I am almost forced to use my hands if I make a mistake in a live situation.